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Central Elementary Principal


Katlin Thomas


Welcome to White Pigeon Central Elementary! My name is Katlin Thomas and I am the Principal at Central Elementary. I am a 2013 Western Michigan graduate with a major in special education and general education with a minor in English. I Graduated in 2019 with my Masters in Educational Leadership. I reside in White Pigeon with my husband and 3 children. 

My passion is to give back to my community. I want to share my passion for learning and growing in ways that will help our students and staff strive to see the best in themselves and others. 

Being supportive to the students and staff at Central and the District is my goal. Bringing families into our district and supporting the needs of the students is a priority. I plan to be visible in the building and district and plan to continue to work alongside the students and staff in and out of the classroom. Being a positive and optimistic principal is my plan to ensure the continued success of White Pigeon Community Schools. 

Contact Mrs. Thomas by phone at 269-483-7107 ext. 52001 or via email at