Michael Swinehart, Vice President
Email: miswinehart@wpcschools.org
Michael Swinehart, Vice President
My name Michael Swinehart and I am honored to be currently serving on the White Pigeon Board of Education. I am an alumni class of 2006. I have been dedicated to serving this community for 15 years, being on the Fire department as well as recently being a part of the Police Department. I've worked in the Ag industry for the past 12 years and am currently working on my family farm. My family are also chiefs. My two boys, Hunter and Gavin, currently attend second grade, and my wife Maggie, we've been married for almost 10 years is a Paraprofessional with Title one. I have always been about giving back to the community and helping in any way I can. Looking forward to serving these next 4 years. Go chiefs!